An Introduction to the Tempur-Pedic Mattress
Many people, when looking for a new mattress, are coming across the name Tempur-Pedic. They're also hearing about how this company has caused a sensation in the bedding world with its claims about giving a sleeper unheard of support and comfort. But, in order to understand why this is so, you must first know what memory foam is.
Memory foam was first researched and developed by the NASA space program; they were looking to find a material that would ease the G-force pressures encountered by astronauts during takeoff. The material was viscoelastic but it was never actually used in space. However, medical research programs were quick to recognize the therapeutic benefits of such a material. Unfortunately, whilst viscoelastic gave tremendous support, it was brittle and lacked any kind of durability. It was Tempur-Pedic that was the first company to manufacturer a memory foam mattress that could be used in both hospitals and the home.
But what is a memory foam mattress? Basically, it's a foam block that is full of bubbles of air that give way and mould to the shape of whatever is applying downward pressure to it. But, isn't this the same as ordinary foam? Well, no, it isn't. With ordinary foam the bubbles are distinct, closed entities; the air inside each bubble stay lock inside it - when the bubble is squeezed the size of the air pocket is reduced due to pressure. Viscoelastic is different. Each bubble cell is interlinked to those around it. When pressure is applied, air can travel from one bubble to another. This gives much better support as the material moulds exactly to the shape of what is applying pressure.
Memory foam mattresses don't just give way under pressure, they mould and offer support because of two things; pressure and heat. The best way to tell the difference between ordinary foam and memory foam is to lie down on each. When you lie down on foam you can feel it give way, almost instantly. But when you lie down on a Tempur Pedic mattress, it initially feels firm but you feel yourself quickly sinking into it. The support you feel between the two types of foam is worlds apart.
Foam mattresses by Tempur-Pedic are still the market leaders despite all major brands having introduced their own versions. Don't think that all memory foam mattresses are the same; they aren't. Each manufacturer has their own secret recipe and many deliberately make cheaper versions but tout them as being of the same quality.
How can you be sure the Tempur is of better quality than most other brands? Well, its mattresses have a 5.3 lb/cubic foot density; most other memory foams are in the 2.5 - 4.0 lb/cubic foot density range - although better brands now sport a 5 lb/cubic foot density version. Having a lower density mean there is more air and less viscoelastic material, which cuts down on manufacturing costs. If you decide to purchase another brand, make sure it has at least a 5 lb/cubic foot density.
When introduced, there was one type of mattress available but now there are a few models to choose from including the AdjustableBed, GrandBed and CelebrityBed. Each offer differing configurations of softness/firmness, mattress covers etc.
Is Tempur the best mattress? Deciding on what constitutes a comfortable mattress is highly subjective, but when talking specifically about memory foam mattresses, Tempur is the benchmark; all companies rave about how its mattress is as good or as better as a Tempur-Pedic mattress - I can think of no better endorsement than that.
Follow the links for more information and prices on a memory foam mattress and find out why many consider the TempurPedic mattress to be the best mattress on the market today.
Article Source:'Brien
Tempura Mattress
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